Hamilton School of European Martial Arts studies and teaches specifically German ringen (unarmed) and langenschwert (longsword) in the tradition of fechtmeister Johannes Liechtenauer.

Classes are run on Monday evenings from 7.15 pm, at the Trinity Reformed Baptist Church hall, corner of Miro and Matai Streets in Maeroa. For more details, please contact

Ringen 101

Instructor: Joram van Essen
Cost: $10 per month to cover hall hire
Note: This class is a prerequisite for the Langenschwert 101 class.
Ringen 101 focuses on the unarmed combat methods of the Liechtenauer tradition. The class covers the basic principles of movement and timing, as well as introducing fundamental unarmed techniques. Material is drawn from numerous sources throughout the Holy Roman Empire between 1400 and 1600 AD.

Langenschwert 101

Cost: $60 initial cost for a longsword waster
This class covers the basic elements of German longsword in the Liechtenauer tradition, derived largely from the HS 3227a, and Sigmund Ringeck's fechtbuch. Students are required to purchase a wooden "waster" sword, and are strongly encouraged to acquire a steel longsword as well.